
Source International Conference - 22 e 23 Luglio, Bàtor Tàbor, Hungary

Experiential Education – Community – Inspiration – Recharge – Professional Development


Source International Conference - 22 e 23 Luglio, Bàtor Tàbor, Hungary

At the Source conference you can find several workshops in 4 slot in the following topics:

- Experiential learning

- Outdoor experiential education

- Psychology

- Community and Society

- Movement and Art based pedagogy

- International outlook on youth work.

In addition to the workshops, we invite you for a round table discussion, and you can also get your own outdoor experience. You can try yourself on high and low rope the most exciting elements of the experiential pedagogy toolbox. Furthermore the non-secret goals of the conference are to give special attention to the two international projects of the Academy of Experience,  HEART (Holistic Experiential Education and Artistic Approaches for Resilience and Work Engagement Tools for Adult Educators) and FUYI (From Us to You International) One of the most important goals of the event is to sharing the results achieved here. It also ensures sharing experiences beyond learning that new and innovative methodological tools are available. At the guide program component we create small groups where the main focus will be your personal development. We will support you in making the SOURCE as useful for you as possible.


Sonia Patti – “Art therapy for the promotion of wellness and prevention of distress: The Integrated Marchio-Patti Method”


It will be a theoretical and practical workshop that will explain the art therapy of the Marchio Patti Integrated Method with a video path through images, sounds and words (i.e. using art) to tell our way of promoting wellness in the educational, social and health care fields. During the live part, an imaginative experience will be proposed to make the participants live a collective mental artistic experience, to discover that body and mind are united. It will conclude by giving space to the sharing of the experience and to the participants' questions.

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Il Metodo Integrato Marchio-Patti

Obiettivo fondamentale EDUCARE

il Metodo